Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fear of hose clamps

I just realized that it has been the better part of 9 months since I changed the water filter at my well head. As a result, the water is nearly at "drool" stage coming out of my shower head. The water's clean, but the water pressure is less-than-ideal, given that the filter between the pump and the house is clogged with rust.

Usually I am so good. But, confession time. I think I may have an unnatural fear of my water filter. To be more specific, I fear the hose clamps that surround the water filter. The last time I tangled with those bad boys, I ended up with this:

Lemme tell you, stitches on your knuckle are SO not fun. Neither is seeing your bone through the jagged flesh of your mangled knuckle.

But, alas, if I ever hope to take an invigorating shower again, I had best learn to get over my clamp-o-phobia, grab the strap wrench and get my scaredy ass down in the basement.

And don't even get me started on the spiders.

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computer jockey said...

One word.


MG said...

Amen! An accessory I am not likely to forget a second time.