Sunday, November 19, 2006

I can’t take the suspense

The above appears on the roof of a local coffee stand.

How can they do such a thing to all of us. Bagel sandwich’s what? How can we go on not knowing the rest of the sentence? It could be something scandalous like, “Now serving bagel sandwich’s secret desires.” It could be valuable information that could change my life, a la “Now serving bagel sandwich’s easy ways to get rich quick. No punctuation required.” The words “bagel sandwich’s” could be more than just the simple personification of baked goods. What if “bagel sandwich” is really a code word for some super -secret important person?

How can I go on not knowing? I curse you, damned bagel sandwich. Your secrets shall remain forever unknown.

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Mary said...

I love you. I've been screaming at that sign for months.

Yesterday's New York Times had a full page ad from the History Channel that
a) did not capitalize Pilgrims
b) used "then" instead of "than"

I only complained about it for about half an hour.

Sara said...

You rock. Failure to speak English has commenced.