Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer of wandering men

It's the oddest thing: Every male friend I have is tooling around the lower 48 this summer. One's in his truck. One's on a bike. And one's taking the scenic route to D.C. with his wife and a big dog in an Audi.

Go figure. Must be something in the water.

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Alaska Steve said...

We can't help it, we have hard wired wanderlust. It's summer, and we can't swim upstream, spawn and die - therefore we must pile into gas guzzling rv's and see the world. I leave August 1 for Maine on a motorcycle so I'm familiar with the spectacle of migrating men . . . we usually come back though. Hang in there, summer can be fun. Today was gorgeous, don't you think?

MG said...

Quite lovely, I would agree. Would have been better if I had been playing outside instead of in an office, but with half-wall windows, I can't complain much.

Sounds like a fun trip. I confess that perhaps the reason I'm noticing all these people wandering is that I wish I was doing the same.