Monday, August 28, 2006

Hellfire and dumbnation

Here's an amusing exercise:

Let's see who can come up with the best euphamism, expression, metaphor or simile to describe utter stupidity. Hell, I'll even take plain old synonyms, made up or not. A colleague and I had great fun in just five minutes of brainstorming, so I'm sure that, with the eternity that the blogosphere offers, we can come up with some great ones. Now let's see, what did we come up with today...

Dumb as a box of rocks
Not the brightest bulb
Not the sharpest tool
Shallow pool

And, in honor of my love for mixing metaphors:
Can't see the forest for the fog of stupidity
or its variation
Can't see the forest for the tree that fell on his head

I'll add more as I think of them. Now come on people. Let's work together in the name of the dumb.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Called in clueless
Afflicted with a bad case of the dumbass