Tuesday, February 20, 2007

If you were a song...

A very wise friend of mine recently likened a person's life to a song, with its accompanying changes in tune and pitch and volume. This was in the midst of some relatively serious soul-searching on my part about whether certain actions define a person and/or their relationships with other people.

Seriousness aside, however, that prompted an amusing thought in my brain. If I were a song, what would I be? It probably changes from day to day.

Today? I think it's a "Da Da Da," sort of day. How 'bout you?

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Sara said...

Wow, this is a profoundly wise friend that you have!

I think this is a "I wanna be a cowboy, and you can be my cowgirl" sort of day.

Sara said...

... although actually, it wasn't a person's life that I was comparing to a song, but rather, the actual person ... i.e. no concrete, unchanging self.